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Guidelines for Foreign Visitors to Tibet

更新时间:2022-05-06 小编:王生 0 20432
When foreigners enter Tibet, they need to deal with the confirmation letter of travel to Tibet, which is often called Tibet Travel Permit.Re...


When foreigners enter Tibet, they need to deal with the confirmation letter of travel to Tibet, which is often called Tibet Travel Permit.

Relevant Regulations on the Travel of Foreigners to Tibet

According to the regulations of the State Tourism Administration, foreign tourists and overseas Chinese (except Hong Kong and Macao residents who hold passports or return certificates of the Chinese region) are not allowed to travel independently during Tibet. Regardless of the number of visitors, they must organize group tours in an organized and planned way.

A letter of entry to Tibet refers to a non-Chinese citizen, a non-Chinese passport holder or a non-Chinese citizen identity card holder who needs to apply for a visa to enter Tibet.

Who needs to handle the "letter of approval for tourism to Tibet"?

1. Holders of non-Chinese citizenship cards;

2. Non-Chinese passport holders-foreign passport holders.

3. If overseas Chinese do not have a Chinese passport, they also need to apply for a "letter of approval for tourism to Tibet".

Note: It has been abolished that people in Hong Kong and Macao must provide "letter of approval for tourism into Tibet". Tourists from Hong Kong and Macao can travel to Tibet on their own with a Chinese passport, a "Hong Kong and Macao compatriot return certificate" (issued before 1998, valid for 10 years) or a "Hong Kong and Macao residents'passport to and from the Mainland".

Visa to Tibet

1. Only foreign passport holders need to apply for visas to Tibet. Mainland citizens and residents of Hong Kong and Macao do not need to apply for visas.

2. Procedures for applying for a visa to Tibet: You can apply for a visa to Tibet as long as you hand over a copy of your passport and occupation to the travel agency for your travel.

After the visa has been processed, the travel agency will give you a confirmation of entry into Tibet. Only by the confirmation of entry into Tibet can you buy air tickets and bus tickets and travel with the group.

According to the regulations of the State Tourism Administration, foreign tourists and overseas Chinese (except Hong Kong and Macao residents who hold passports or return certificates of the Chinese region) are not allowed to travel independently during Tibet. Regardless of the number of visitors, they must organize group tours in an organized and planned way.

Notices for Approval Letter

Give us your basic information (including name, nationality, age, sex, occupation, passport number), route to Tibet, approximate travel time, travel intention, contact number, etc.) via the local travel agency or directly to the designated local travel agency (Travel Agency) of Tibet Tourism Bureau. At the same time, fax or email us the front page of your passport and the copy of your visa. You will see 7. Within one working day, the relevant confirmation procedures for entry into Tibet have been obtained.

Upon receipt of the passport and visa copy of the guest, the "letter of approval for foreigners'travel to Tibet" can usually be signed immediately. Although it only takes 7 working days to verify and issue this letter of approval for entry into Tibet, in view of the arrangement of booking work related to passengers'tickets, hotels, guides and vehicles, please go through the application formalities as early as possible so as to obtain the corresponding confirmation of the relevant information about the route, time and place of entry into Tibet.

Required conditions

1. The types of visas that need to be processed through travel agencies are: tourist visa (L), resident visa (D), visiting visa (F), occupational visa (Z), learning visa (X), visiting visa (Q2).

2. For a tourist visa (L), only the passport and visa sweeping documents are required for the entry letter.

3. Settlement visa (D) must submit the certificate of work (or residence) of tourists; Visit visa (F) must submit the certificate of the Chinese inviting unit of tourists; Occupational visa (Z) must submit the certificate of employment company; Learning visa (X) must submit the certificate of tourist school;

4. All visitors who travel to Tibet on official and journalist visas are not accepted by travel agencies. Please consult the foreign affairs department for relevant information.

5. After entering Tibet, the permits for entry into Tibet shall be deposited with the tour guides. After the completion of the tour, they shall be returned to the Tourism Bureau for archiving by the travel agencies. No foreigner's permit for entry into Tibet shall be allowed to leave Tibet.

[Travel routes for foreigners to Tibet 1]

Lhasa+Shigaze+Everest+Namco 7:8 p.m.

D1: Cluster check-in Hotel

D2: Visit Potala Palace - Dazhao Temple - Octagon Street

D3: Lhasa-Yanghu-Carola Glacier-Shigaze

D4: Shigaze-Dingri-Everest Base Camp

D5: Everest Base Camp - Rongbu Temple - Shigaze

D6: Visit Zashrumbu Temple - Return to Lhasa

D7: Visit Namco

D8: End of trip

[Travel routes for foreigners to Tibet 2]

Lhasa+Linzhi+Shigaze+Namco 8:9

D1: Cluster check-in Hotel

D2: Visit Potala Palace - Dazhao Temple - Octagon Street

D3: Lhasa-Kadingou-Linzhi

D4: Tour the Great Berlin-Lulanglin Sea

D5: Linzhi-Bassonco-Lhasa

D6: Lhasa-Yanghu-Karola Glacier-Shigaze

D7: Visit Zashrumbu Temple - Return to Lhasa

D8: Visit Namco

D9: End of trip

Where can I handle Tibetan letters?

Letters of entry into Tibet can only be processed in Tibet and submitted to the Tibet Tourism Bureau, the Public Security Department and the Security Department (more than one department for examination and approval). The procedure is rather complicated.

Can you only handle letters of entry into Tibet and then travel freely in Tibet?

According to the policy, this is not allowed. Even one foreign visitor is specially trained in Tibet. We can't work with the domestic guests and other countries.

Where can't we go?

Linzhi Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon and Nanyigou are not open to foreign visitors. Foreign visitors to Ali area, Linzhi Bomiran Wuhu area need special approval.

How much does it cost to enter Tibetan letters?

The Tibetan Tourism Bureau stipulates that letters to Tibet are free of charge. Travel agencies charge service fees appropriately.

Traffic mode into Tibet

Foreign visitors can only enter Tibet by train or plane.

Note: Foreign guests need passport photo pages and visa pages for handling letters of entry into Tibet.

For more information about foreigners going to Tibet, please contact us:

Contact us

E-mail: cyts-tibet@qq.com

WeChat: 0891-6326451

Tel: 0891-6326451

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